In 100% for the Children, we work to ensure that children and young people have the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their circumstances.


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Results 2022-2023



By end 2027, 100% for the Children will strengthen


  • Secure that min. 10.000 parents can safeguard their children’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  • Support vulnerable families to prevent child-family separation.
  • Stregthen the role of local CSOs in reinforcing child protection systems and overseeing care reform implementation.
  • + 6 other protection goals


  • Distribute menstrual products and/or training to min. 40.000 girls, with 95% able to clean them without infection risk.
  • Increase partnerships on access to clean water in slums.
  • Offer infant health and caregiving training to 5000 young mothers.
  • + 7 other health goals


  • Reduce dropout rates by min. 85% at the schools we are presently in.
  • Educate min. 2000 families on the necessity of girls’ education.
  • Strengthen local CSOs in education advocacy.
  • + 3 other education goals

100% for the Children aims to strengthen family and community systems to safeguard children’s rights and wellbeing, and to develop effective child protection mechanisms.

Read more about child protection
Børnebeskyttelse er et mål i alt vores arbejde. Vi arbejder aktivt med børnebeskyttelse gennem vores og vores partneres aktiviteter, der søger at styrke sårbare familier for at forhindre adskillelse, beskytte gadebørn og generelt sætte børns rettigheder på dagsordenen. 100% for Børnene er medstifter af Det Danske Børnebeskyttelsesnetværk, som bl.a. har udgivet ’Lovende praksisser inden for børnebeskyttelse’.

100% for the Children aims to improve access to healthcare and sexual and reproductive health education, targeting street children, young mothers, and marginalized youth, including those with disabilities.

Read more about health
Our programs give children and young people access to fundamental knowledge about health – and especially sexual and reproductive health and rights – so that they can make informed choices now and in the future leading to fewer school drop outs, reduced teen pregnancies and economic empowerment. We also work with menstrual health, mental health for young mothers, and, not least, support for vulnerable families so that children can grow up in a loving and safe environment that ensures children’s development – physically, psychologically, and socially.

100% for the Children aims to enhance educational access and quality while promoting gender equality and reducing barriers such as teen pregnancies, early/forced marriages and high dropout rates.

Read more about education
Marginalization due to socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, language, religion, disability, and location are driving factors for inequality in education. It is this inequality that 100% for the Children, together with our partners in Kenya, Ghana and Malawi addresses. In our programs we work to reduce inequality in access to education for marginalized children and young people - especially girls and children with disabilities. At the same time, we work to ensure a higher quality of education, which strengthens the children’s abilities, talents, and personal development and prepares them for the future. This includes complementary educational paths like Life Skills and entrepreneurship.

100% for the children works where no one else does 

The organization was founded in 2008 by the chaos pilot and moving spirit Signe Møller. The year before she came to Mombasa, where she met children and families at the Kibarani landfill.

The approximately 3,000 families living in the area lived on top of the waste, under poor sanitary conditions. No NGO would act at the time. But Signe would. The meeting with the families inspired her to make a difference and that is why she started the organization.

The problem we want to solve: Empowerment starts with the right to decide. Children and youth living in poor, vulnerable, or marginalized communities in Kenya, Ghana and Malawi lack adequate resources and face systemic discrimination. Climate change counteracts any positive development in these marginalized communities.

The goal we want to achieve: 100% for the Children is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and discrimination, ensuring every child and young person we work with has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their circumstances.

Whom we do it for: We work with the particularly vulnerable in this world. That is children and youth from poor and marginalized families, children with disabilities, children from rural areas, and teenage girls who become pregnant.

Our solutions: Sustainable development is best achieved when people themselves are empowered to drive change. We join forces with local organizations to form alliances on joint advocacy, sharing of knowledge, and a readiness to take action.

We decide on our methods according to:

  1. Biggest impact
  2. Inclusive & contextual approach
  3. Transparency



Together with our partners, we know that children and young people can actively create a future of opportunities if they get the support they need



Transparency is the essence of 100% for the Children's work

Our collaborators
