
According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Health is not a goal in itself, but a resource in everyday life.


100% for the Children aims to improve access to healthcare and sexual and reproductive health education, targeting street children, young mothers, and marginalized youth, including those with disabilities.
Our programs give children and young people access to fundamental knowledge about health – and especially sexual and reproductive health and rights – so that they can make informed choices now and in the future leading to fewer school drop outs, reduced teen pregnancies and economic empowerment. We also work with menstrual health, mental health for young mothers, and, not least, support for vulnerable families so that children can grow up in a loving and safe environment that ensures children’s development – physically, psychologically, and socially.

Målsætninger for sundhed

By the end 2027, 100% for the Children will:

  • Distribute menstrual products and/or training to min. 40.000 girls, with 95% able to clean them without infection risk.
  • Increase partnerships on access to clean water in slums.
  • Offer infant health and caregiving training to 5000 young mothers.
  • Increase sexual and reproductive health decision-making power for women and girls.
  • Reduce teen pregnancies by 70% at the schools we are present in.
  • Ensure at least 80% of women and youth (both boys and girls) trained in SRHR can make informed health choices.
  • Foster SRHR access and services for disabled children and youth in Kibera, Kenya.
  • Create safe SRHR discussion spaces for out-of-school youth with disabilities.
  • Ensure healthcare clinic access for at least 5000 children and youth.
  • Provide 2000 street children with access to health care.
  • Provide quality education access for min. 30.000 children and youth.


Young ambassadors break taboos


Young ambassadors are trained to empower other youth in sexuality and reproductive rights, which now helps break cultural taboos and stigma around sexual health in communities in Kenya.

Enhanced sexual education


Teachers across 49 schools in Kenya have been trained to break the silence on sexuality and reproductive rights in classrooms. Our project has made teachers more comfortable discussing sensitive topics.

Health Inspection


Schools have been surveyed for critical areas that require intervention in hygiene and sexual and reproductive health.

Improved sanitation in Ghana


Young people have improved their sanitation and hygiene in Ghana. 80% of the communities we worked in have reported increased use of sanitary facilities and better hand hygiene.

Menstrual Hygiene


Girls from schools in Ghana have been trained in menstrual hygiene.

Menstrual Cups


Girls have received menstrual cups in Ghana and Kenya, which has led to a reduction in girls' school absenteeism. An important step for girls' freedom to learn and play throughout the month.

Training and Economic Empowerment in Kenya


Schools and 15 women's groups in Kenya have received comprehensive training in sexual and reproductive health. 65 women were economically empowered through the production of pouches for menstrual cups.

Strategic tracks:
