
In 100% for the Children, we believe that knowledge sharing between organisations, companies and civil society is crucial. An important part of our work is to offer the Danish society a chance to learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable development. That is why we offer free access to all the educational material we have developed.

The Danish child protection network

In 2019, the annual UN Convention on the Rights of the Child focused for the first time on children without parental care. On 12. November 2019, the Convention (A/RES/74/133) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The convention requires joint efforts by governments to protect and realize the rights of children who have lost or are close to losing parental care.

100% for the Children have been a part of creating the Danish child protection network in close collaboration with SOS Children's Villages, ATOS and CKU.

With funding from Global Focus, the network will hold a series of seminars in 2021 and 2022 focusing on alternative care and children without or at risk of losing parental care. The seminars primarily aim to strengthen the capacity of Danish civil society organisations to design and implement projects for the benefit of children in need of protection.

The serie of seminars is driven by professional presentations from Danish and International experts, as well as a focus on participant involvement and exchange of experiences. The seminars will focus on reasons for children leaving their families, alternative care, volunteerism and much more.

You can read more about the Danish child protection network, sign up for a seminar or look at former seminars here.

Tools for youth-lead change

Together with Youth Opportunity & Transformation in Africa (YOTA), we have implemented projects in Ghana focused on supporting young people in creating changes locally and nationally within the sustainable development agenda. This has resulted in several powerful tools, which we want to ensure are accessible to other young people who wish to see a change in their local communities. Therefore, we are sharing the tools across partners, countries, and on our website.
